

In 2020, only 10% of the construction industry was made up of women. At W.M. Schlosser, we encourage the growth of women in the construction industry, and we are working hard to change that.

Today we want to highlight all the great women in the construction industry and the importance they make in our workforce.

We want to send out a special thank you and celebrate all the great women at W.M. Schlosser who make an impact at home, in the office, and out in the field.


Client Feedback

“MDTA appreciates the kind words for the team and our partners. Schlosser’s staff both on site and office staff were very professional, respectful and knowledgeable. We as a team were able to bring this contract to a close both under the original duration completion date as well as under budget and that my friend is an accomplishment to be proud of. MDTA hopes to see W.M. Schlosser bidding more MDTA contracts in the future.”

Client: MDTA
Project: BHT Facilities Envelope Renovations and Fuel Tank Replacement project

New Contract Awards

We are very proud of the group of professionals in our estimating department. They never stop smiling as you can see and they always get it done! Congratulations on a job well done! As a result of your hard work we’ve been awarded quite a few projects in recent months.

Dulles Hot Water Generator 4&5 Replacement
City of Blacksburg Multi Modal Project
Arlington County Pentagon City Elevator Project
WMATA Structures – Package “A”
WMATA Bethesda Station Mechanical Room Waterproofing


The lights are on along both sides of the platform at the Silver Line’s Dulles Airport Station, marking passage of a major milestone for Phase 2 of the Silver Line construction, where W.M. Schlosser Co. Inc. constructed the windscreens.


I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their efforts throughout the year. The success of our company is built on the efforts of our employees. This past year has been one of the most challenging, yet we made it through 2020 successfully. Your dedication, loyalty, and commitment is greatly appreciated. It has been so reassuring to know that we can count on all of you regardless of what faces us. We offer our best wishes and happiness to you and your families as we celebrate the holidays. We believe with the recent achievements to fight COVID-19, that 2021 will be much easier for everyone. We know that 2021 will bring us all new challenges.

But having the best employees will make 2021 another great year.

With that said, W.M. Schlosser Company is proud to announce the Employees of the Year 2020.  We present to you our fearless field employees!  Showing up each and every day keeping our projects on track.  It’s been a tough 2020 and we appreciate you for showing up every day and keeping our jobs moving while staying safe!  Congratulations to you all.  Your 2020 Employee of the Year Sweatshirts are on order and will be distributed as soon as they are available.

I thought we would revisit our first tribute to our field people when Covid-19 first became known. Here’s the video if you’d like to watch it again

Please post the Announcement on your job boards so that we can share the news with all of the guys and gals out in the field!

Congratulations everybody and a big thank for all you do from all of us working behind the scenes!

Happy Holidays everybody and we are looking forward to a happier, healthier and safer 2021!

Happy Holidays from the entire team at WM Schlosser!

As we can’t celebrate in person this year, we went all out and celebrated virtually with an Ugly Sweater Get Together.

Which outfit takes your vote?

New Contract Awards

We are very proud of the group of professionals in our estimating department. They never stop smiling as you can see and they always get it done! Congratulations on a job well done! As a result of your hard work we’ve been awarded quite a few projects in recent months.

  • Airfield Transformer Vault MWAA
  • Little Anacostia Pump Station
  • Potomac WFT High Zone Pumps 7 & I
  • MWAA Dulles Corridor Task Orders
  • Airport Garage Sprinkler Replacement – Richmond Airport

Hat Day Friday Goes On

In the face of adversity this team of “Professionals?” was able to pull of not only getting almost 30 people on a conference call, but we shared some fun, laughs (mostly at ourselves) and a little video. Stay tuned next week and meet the animals of our employees!

Stay tuned and ya’ll be safe! Washing your hands and social distancing! We’ll be back to normal faster!

COVID-19 Notice

Due to the increased heightened restrictions by Governor Hogan and the State of Maryland, effective immediately only employees will be allowed to access our offices until further notices. Project sites that are still working will adhere to the same restrictions. Meetings will be held via video or audio conferencing. Any on-site meetings that must be held on-site will be held outside unless there are less than 5 people and we are able to keep the social distancing to 6’. We are doing this in an effort to protect our employees and their families. We know these are extreme measures but we are experiencing something that we’ve never experienced before.

Thanksgiving is all about giving back to the community at W.M. Schlosser

This year, W.M. Schlosser provided 55 entire Thanksgiving meals to the families and the staff at the Cecil Kirk Community Center. Our team will be painting the Cecil Kirk Community Center, to help out even further.

We also want to thank the Maryland Transit Administration and the team at the Kirk II project for their help this year! It was such a fulfilling experience!

Topping Out Ceremony at the Richmond International Airport

On Oct. 24, 2019 WM Schlosser Construction Company held a topping out ceremony at the Richmond International Airport. WMS is constructing an extension to Concourse A, which will give the Airport Authority six additional gates. WMS would like to thank the Capital Airport Authority, Gresham Smith and Partners (Architects), CP&Y (CM), Daniels & Associates (Structural Engineers), Chesapeake Bay Steel, Trinity Steel (Erectors) and all the other subcontractors that made this possible.

Topping Out Ceremony at the Kirk II Bus Transportation project in Baltimore

The last truss fabricated and erected by Kinsley Construction, Inc has been placed on the roof of the building and marks a milestone in phase II of the project. The new Bus Storage Facility will consist of parking for approximately 145 buses, fueling, vaulting, and bus wash services for single buses. What a great day for a ceremony with a lot of sunshine to celebrate such a big accomplishment.

Jersey Fridays starting Friday September 6th

Fall is in the air and the leaves are starting to change so we are going to say goodbye to our summery Hawaiian theme and hello to warmer clothes and Jersey Fridays starting Friday, September 6th! Now, I know not everybody is a “football” fan so we are going to open our Jersey Friday to any team you follow. So roll up your sleeves and honor your favorite sports team on Fridays. Bring your team spirit! As always, we will meet in the kitchen on Fridays @ 2:00pm for the drawing! Let’s see which team gets the biggest support!!!!! Will there be a battle of the Beltways?

We’re social!

W. M. Schlosser Co. Inc. is now on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn! Follow us to stay up to date about company news, our projects, employees and industry news.

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Partners in Leadership - Accountability Workshop

This summer the W.M. Schlosser Company held our Annual Corporate Event and invited Partners in Leadership to present a workshop on Accountability. Andy Schlosser presented to all of us our Key Principles. It’s become the buzz around the office and we are all working diligently to incorporate them into our daily culture.