Project Owner USACE |
Contract Value $11,213,985 |
Architect/Engineer USACE |
Project Location Frederick, MD |
Project Duration 10/15 to 5/17 |
Discipline Renovation, Industrial New Construction |
Ft. Detrick USAMRIID North Parking and Entry Control Point 9
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- Ft. Detrick USAMRIID North Parking and Entry Control Point 9
Project Description
W. M. Schlosser Co. along with our joint venture partner, Edifice Solutions, was contracted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to construct a 550 space parking lot on a military facility, complete with bio-retention basins and underground utilities. The project also included a new 4,000 SF single story brick building which is to be used for screening of visitors and personnel for the new US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases facility (USAMRIID) along with a NIBC security fence complete with Stalwart M40/P2 Anti-ram cable barrier system capable of stopping a 15,000 lb. vehicle traveling at 40 MPH. At the conclusion of the project, the USACE issued a final Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPAR) whereas the Joint Venture partnership received an “Exceptional” rating both for Quality and Management.