City of Chesapeake Jail Expansion

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  • City of Chesapeake Jail Expansion
Project Owner
City of Chesapeake
Contract Value
Moseley Architects
Project Location
424 Albemarle Dr. Chesapeake, VA 23322
Project Duration
Sept. 2016 – Nov. 2018
New Construction

Project Description

Jail Expansion – this building consists of 192 bed dormitory split into 4 dayrooms each
 containing 48 bunks, 8 CMU special housing cells, loading dock, warm up kitchen with
 equipment, laundry room with equipment, barber shop, classroom, administration/ office
area. The building structure is predominantly precast concrete, including insulated and 
un-insulated wall panels, hollow-core plank, concrete tees and solid core planks. The 
interior walls are predominantly CMU. The foundation is reinforced concrete grade 
beams on piles supporting the slab on grade. A covered connection corridor to the
 existing jail is included.
Maintenance Building – this building consists of a large open space for 15 parked work
 trailers, office space, inmate and staff rest rooms, secure tool storage rooms, mechanical
 and electrical rooms. The structure is an insulated pre-engineered metal building. The 
foundation is reinforced concrete grade on piles, supporting the slab on grade.
 The project buildings totaled 57,815 SF includes electrical, plumbing, security, detention and mechanical systems as well as site work and paving for roads and parking.