Brink Road Zone Reliability Improvements

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  • Brink Road Zone Reliability Improvements
Project Owner
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Contract Value
Navarro & Wright /Hatch Mott MacDonald
Project Location
Germantown, MD
Project Duration
New construction
Water and Sewer, Industrial

Project Description

Project consisting of new booster pump station to serve Clarksburg housing expansion demand. Includes 4x large Valve Vaults, one with a 48” ball valve(nearly 30,000lbs alone), the booster pump station and improvements to the infrastructure tying into the existing station on site. Coordination efforts include working with Verizon, Columbia Gas, Maryland State Highway Administration, Potomac Edison and Washington Gas to ensure compliance with all associated agencies requirements.

Project Update

We are steadily working to get substantial completion. With that, the large water pumps are set for startup and testing on 5/12/2020 which will allow us to pump water through the station. The last valve vault will hopefully be tied in by the end of May since the first attempt was unsuccessful due to WSSC valves leaking downstream of our tie in point.

Exterior work is continuing with the bio-retention ponds just getting started, driveways being excavated and MD GAB being laid into place for some asphalt work which will start in two weeks.