Art Bus Facility

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  • Art Bus Facility
Project Owner
Arlington County, VA
Contract Value
Atkins International
Project Location
Arlington County, VA
Project Duration
07/2015 – 06/2017
DisciplineNew Construction

Project Description

W.M. Schlosser constructed a new two-story bus maintenance facility for Arlington Transit. The work included improvements to surrounding streets, sidewalks, and landscaping.

The ART Bus Facility work includes underground utility work, concrete pavement, landscaping, fencing, site work, and a new building. The two-story maintenance facility work includes: a bus wash bay and light duty maintenance bay. In addition, there is a new CNG fueling station and CNG compressor system with onsite standby power.
Work on adjacent South Eads Street included demolishing existing pavement, and improvements to the roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks, streetlights, trees and storm structures, excavation, saw cutting, grading, construction of aggregate bases, asphalt paving, permanent signing and pavement marking.